What Is It?
Wild Divine offers Interactive Experiences using Meditations and Biofeedback which act as VACATIONS FOR YOUR MIND. We affectionately call these software titles "Journeys" as they are part of the original Wild Divine Passage - the Journey - which was the first, best home user daily biofeedback Mind Vacation program.
Which One Should I Start with First?
While there is no right or wrong way to start your Wild Divine adventure, we can offer a few simple suggestions to get you started!
A wonderful place to start. A great introductory Journey; Body Scan helps you develop a mindful awareness of your bodily sensations. Select your preferred avatar, scenery, music and length of time and be guided through an immersive body scan meditation by Zen Master Nissim Amon.
A 10-step program containing a combination of guided meditations and interactive biofeedback events. Each step contains three sections that can be explored in sequence or on demand. First, an introduction to the theme of the step, followed by a guided meditation from a renowned master. At the completion of each step, you will use your breath to control your emotions and conquer different challenges in nine different interactive events.
These two titles are great places to start. From here, feel free to explore all (8) of the Journeys Wild Divine has to offer!