Bluetooth is for use with your mobile device. If you would like to learn how to set up your Bluetooth connection, please see this instructional video.
Please note, that this article is for troubleshooting, as the first thing to try is simply to turn on your mobile device's Bluetooth, press the iom2's button for Bluetooth and then to open an app.
***There is no need to pair the iom2 directly with the device through settings. The iom2 will pair directly to the Journey.***
However, if you continue to get the message "Searching for Journey on Bluetooth phone or tablet..." on your iom2 device, please go through the following:
For iOS:
- Ensure the Bluetooth on your device is on
- Ensure other Bluetooth devices in the area are off
- Ensure only one Unyte (or Wild Divine) app is open.
If there are others open, please do a hard close
To do a hard close on an iOS device: double tap on the home screen to display all open apps. Swipe through the apps and on any Unyte/Wild Divine apps, remove them by dragging from the bottom to top of the screen
- Ensure "Unyte IOM2" is under "Other Devices" (Wild Divine IOM2)
To check this, please go to your device's settings
You should see "My Devices" and "Other Devices"
If Unyte IOM2 is under "Other Devices" please leave it here
If Unyte IOM2 is under "My Devices" please go through the following:
Click on the "i" next to the device name and press "Forget this device"
Wait a minute or two
You should see Unyte IOM2 be removed from "My Devices"
If you don't see this, or it's taking a long time, try to turn off your device and try again
- Now you can try to connect the iom2 again
Turn the iom2 on and press the button for Bluetooth
Open an app
The device should now connect properly!
For Android:
- Ensure the Bluetooth on your Android device is on
- Ensure other Bluetooth devices in the area are off
- Ensure only one Unyte (or Wild Divine) app is open.
If there are others open, please close them
- Go into your settings, and ensure that the iom2 is not paired to your Android device
- If it is, press the settings icon next to "Unyte IOM2" and turn the pairing off
You might need to wait a minute or two for this to take place
- Now you can try to connect the iom2 again
Turn the iom2 on and press the button for Bluetooth
Open an app
The device should now connect properly!
Extra Tip, the sequence to follow:
The iom2 has a built-in sleep mode which goes into effect quickly to save battery power. Keep this in mind as you engage the app on your mobile device. You might have to click the power button to restart the 'self-check' process and allow it to be completed.
Login with your email and password, if needed. You can choose the remember your login so you don't have to do it each time.
1. Open up the app on your tablet or phone and go to the main menu of any journey app, and engage it to the start of that step or journey.
1a. Note it will show a popup page and say 'connect device' at the top. There will be a retry button and counter, let this be. Also, this is where the 'ignore' button is that will allow you to listen to a meditation if this is a non-event step.
2. Then start the iom2 by pressing the button on the side.
3. Put on the ear clip on either your earlobe or a finger tip
4. Wait for the iom2 to go through its self check process (see intro video)
5. Once it shows the checkmark, then it will say, "connect via USB or push button for bluetooth"
6. Push the button on the side. Be patient.
7. It should connect and the 3 leaf becomes all 3 solid and the light on the side blinks with your heart beat.
8. You are now ready to use the iom2 device with any journey program or app.
If you are still having difficulties, please email us at, indicating you have gone through this troubleshooting guide