Account Status
Your primary account is your Dashboard Account. Your dashboard gives you access to the Downloads of the Journeys and your records of Access and Use of the iom2 Biofeedback Interactive Meditation Journeys.
You also have a Wild Divine (Unyte) account, but this is for administrative purposes only, such as a change of credit card or change of address. Therefore, when needed, we provide the access portal to our clients such that they can complete these changes quickly and efficiently.
Updates Process
To update your credit card, contact us via or click the Submit Request Button in the upper right of any Wild Divine Help Center page.
You can also call us (866-721-2256).
1. To make a purchase, we can arrange to have an invoice or a direct purchase page link emailed to you.
2. To change a subscription credit card, we can send you a direct link to the portal page of your account to accomplish this task.
NOTE: We cannot accept credit card numbers over the phone or via email.
Your Access and Actions to Take
Here is what you will see via the Account Portal:
To change your credit card information, you simply click Payment methods, then Add Payment in the screen below and fill out the information on the secure page.